Saturday 31 January 2009

25 Random Things About Me

This posting is a copy of an entry from my Facebook page. Four of my friends made a "25 things" list and tagged me as having to do one as well. It took me a couple of days to write this list, but I think it was worth posting here as well (that and the fact that I haven't made an entry this week). Making the list was especially tough since I have so many friends who are way too clever for their own good and their 25 things lists were marvelous. So without further ado here is my list in no particular (yet seemingly erratic) order.

1. I used to play the oboe, trumpet, viola and saxophone. My times and friends in band are the fondest memories of my childhood and teen years.

2. My grandparents have been married for over 65 years. I was born on their anniversary. They have always been kind and loving to each other, never once raising their voices in anger. I consider them my heroes and my best role model on a great marriage.

3. My partner Brooke and I were together for 10 years before we got married.

4. Every time I had a major move north, there has been a devastating earthquake within 6 months. I will never move to Alaska because of it.

5. The thing I hate most about myself is that I am a horrible procrastinator.

6. Deep down I am either a total pacifist or an axe-wielding Viking berzerker.

7. We always had dogs while I was growing up. When my family lost our house and moved into the crappy ghetto apartment, we had to give our dogs away. It broke my heart and I lost the only souls who would always listen, never judge, and lick my face when I felt bad.

8. I would love to do more nude photography, but am too chicken to ask people to be my models.

9. I love the fact that I am a weirdo, nerd, geek and dork. “Normal” people make me edgy.

10. I have hugged Eddie Palmieri and shaken Stanley Jordan’s magical hand in thanks for the joy their music has given me.

11. I had my picture on the front page of a major newspaper on New Years Day, but I completely forgot about it until my mom showed me the clipping. I have also had my photo in the LA Times.

12. My Mom nicknamed me “SuperBitch” when I was a baby (BTW-I love my mom for this, she is too awesome). She says it was because of the way I would stare down little old ladies who tried disturb me. “What a cute little baybee…oh good heavens.” My brother was the charmer.

13. I think it would be neat to have a time machine, but I wouldn’t use it if you could alter the past.

14. Before I die, I would like to go into space. Orbiting the earth in a space hotel would be good enough for me…and I would like to spend time in zero G.

15. My favorite Sci-Fi TV series I have watched are in this order: Babylon 5, Firefly, Farscape, Star Trek Original, The Prisoner, Star Trek Next Gen. I have not watched Battlestar Galactica yet. I am saving it for 2009.

16. I have way too many ingredients in my pantry, fridge, freezer and spice cupboard. Opening any of the doors may result in food avalanche. You have been warned.

17. I love to cook for friends and family. I consider myself very lucky that others are willing to take time out from their busy schedules to visit me and share my table. I consider this one of life’s greatest pleasures.

18. I love going to Farmer’s Markets and Art Fairs. I would rather spend my money buying local goods direct from the artisan who made or grew them.

19. It never worked out for me to go to college when I was young. I am always nervous that my writing is laden with mistakes in grammar, word choice and syntax. This list is killing me.

20. I wish I understood mathematics and physics in the way that Brooke does. I find the idea that you can describe the universe with math very interesting, but don’t understand how it works.

21. When driving to and from places, I like to take alternate routes, side streets, etc. I have always found the most interesting places this way. I think it is somehow genetic since my Dad does the same thing. In our family it is called “Nerping” as in, “Take the freeway, we don’t have time to go nerping around.”

22. I have always had a really good sense of direction. I am an excellent navigator and know how to properly refold a map.

23. Bubblebaths are the way to go. No ifs ands or buts about it.

24. I’m plagiarizing Julie on this one – “This line reserved for all the things, facts, habits, and goals I’m not willing to post on the internet.”

25. My favorite color is dark green, my favorite ice cream is mint-chip (specifically at 31 flavors), my favorite beer is Mac and Jacks African amber, my favorite sandwich is The Reuben at Zingermann’s Deli in Ann Arbor, MI, my favorite sport to watch is Rally Racing, my favorite sport to play is soccer, my favorite expensive restaurant is Boulevard in San Francisco CA, my favorite cheap lunch place is Meze in Kirkland WA, my favorite hobby is photography, my favorite home-made meal is Honey-Glazed Chipotle Meatloaf with mashed potatoes, my favorite weather has lots of puffy Rene Magritte clouds, my favorite painter is Vincent Van Gogh (especially his later work), my favorite Sci-Fi book is Titan by John Varley, my favorite comic book hero is John Constantine, my favorite sound in the world is Brooke’s whooping laughter.


Friday 16 January 2009

Red Mill Burgers, Seattle WA

Red Mill Burgers in Seattle is a small place.  Unassuming.  Walk in and there are simple but clean booths, tables, and a side counter where you can eat when the place is packed.  The menu above the cash register lays before you a map to burger heaven.  My personal favorite is the Verde Burger (Fire Roasted Anaheim Peppers, Jack Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onion, Mill Sauce), but I also really like the Bleu Cheese ‘n’ Bacon Burger.  The veggie burger option is also fabulous, so if you don’t do beef, Red Mill is still worth a visit. 

I walked with my friend Nathan up to the cashier and we ordered our lunches.  I chose the Verde Burger and Onion Rings.  Nathan decided on the same burger, but chose some fries to go with it.  Since we were going out for a coffee later, we skipped one of their excellent shakes or malts, but if you ever visit, I highly recommend those too.

When my burger arrived, it looked and smelled so good that I didn’t wait to take a picture until I had already taken a few bites.  The bun was soft and fresh, the produce crisp and the burger perfectly juicy.  The “verde” of the burger is a fire roasted anaheim chile charred over an open flame at Red Mill fresh each day.  It was smoky and piquant, but with a perfect texture.  An excellent addition to the burger.  Nathan seemed to really like his burger and fries too.  Can you tell?

Nathan enjoys his Verde Burger

Perfection in Onion Rings, Fries

Red Mill has hands down the best onion rings I have ever encountered.  The batter on the rings is delicate and light with a little cornmeal for texture and some spices mixed therein to compliment the onion.  I can detect cumin in the mix for sure and there may be onion seeds in there too.  Take a bite and it is crunchy and spicy with a burst of lightly fried onion flavor.  Mmmmmmmmmmm.  Nathan shared a few of my o’rings and he agreed they were great.  I tried his fries and they were excellent with a strong potato flavor, crispy texture outside and fluffy inside.  What  great combo.  Thanks for sharing with me Nathan!

Herkimer Coffee

After we left Red Mill, we drove over for a coffee at Herkimer Coffee.  There were some guys roasting some coffee in the roasting area.  The smell was astoundingly rich.  Nathan used to work for a specialty coffee roaster in Seattle and he knew one of the gents working the machine.  They talked shop for a while and I got a few photos.  Nathan took my order, “A cappuccino please” I said. “Just a little wet with lots of foam?”  he asked.  “Sounds Perfect." 

Nathan caught me snapping a pic, so he decided to show his dainty side.

The old coffee roaster used at Herkimer. The aroma was wonderful.

This was hands down the best cappuccino I have ever enjoyed.  The coffee was rich and the milk frothed to a silky perfection.

If you are ever in the neighborhood of Herkimer Coffee in Seattle, stop by and enjoy a cuppa, you won’t regret it.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Lunch Adventure A Go-Go…Interrupted

So a few weeks back I was chatting with the wonderful and witty Nathan about my trip to London, the museums, photography, etc.  After a short while of feverish typing that was getting no where fast, we decided it would most assuredly be to our advantage to enjoy some lunch, coffee and (as always) excellent conversation.  Thursday we decided would be The Day. I mentioned that I was very interested to go to a Cuban restaurant in Seattle that was highly rated on Yelp and supposedly had an excellent pork sandwich.  We were both excited and looking forward to a food adventure.  Interest was piqued, expectations high.

I picked Nathan up at his house and we drove through Phinney Ridge neighborhood (near the Seattle Zoo).  After a few blocks I started to get my bearings “Hey!” I said while driving up a winding street, “isn’t the Red Mill Burgers around here?”  “Yeah, it’s just around the corner” and as we passed it he said, “You know I’ve never eaten there, but I hear that it’s really good.”  “They have the best onion rings I’ve ever had,” I said “we’ll have lunch again in a couple of weeks and get a burger.  They have a green chile burger that is awesome.”  And with that we drove another 5 minutes, parked and marched happily ‘round the corner to the hole-in-the-wall restaurant, Paseo.

which was closed. <it’s empty>
for a holiday <what the?!?!>
won’t be back in business until February <WHAT ABOUT MY SAMMMICCHHHH?>

Ooooohhhhhh kkkkkaaaayyyyyyyy.  We looked at each other.  “Well, how about we go to Red Mill Burgers then?” I said.  “Sounds good” replied Nathan.  And off on a new improved different lunch adventure we went.  So my review of Paseo will happen in February-ish.  Catch the next episode in a month or so, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.

Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy New Year, it’s what? 2009!?!

Wiz War Challenge 2008. Who will be the ultimate wizard?Happy New Year everyone.  I had a great 2008 and look forward to an even better 2009.  I hope you all had a good New Year’s Eve and bid a fond farewell to 2008 with beloved friends and family.  I had a great time on Dec. 31st.  We threw a last minute party that included good pizza, great beer and excellent company.  Brooke, M and Jason played a multi-hour game of WizWar with M finally the victor by casting an illusion of sudden death on Brooke. The party friends = Lucy, SLH, Jason, Misty, Greta, Alec, Tavin, Marcelo, Kate, Chaya, Master Bash and lil’ Sylvia, + me & Brooke.  I think it is a good equation, friends + me and Brooke = a great time.

f + tB = GT2

Chaya and her miiMaster Bash and his miiWe also played a few games on the Wii.  We made some Mii characters of a several folks so now they are on my system to taunt me from time to time.  I got photos of Master Bash and Chaya next to their Mii characters.  Great job!

I bought some take-away-bake-at-home pizzas from the gourmet grocery, then we all loaded them up with delicious toppings and tossed them in the oven.  I’ve done it a couple of times and it’s a great party food option.  You go out and get a plain cheese take away and bake at home pizza, then set out bowls with a myriad of delicious toppings. The options we had were: pepperoni, canadian bacon, sauteed red onions, basalmic mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, spinach, and kalamata olives.  I also made two big pasta dishes, tortellini with pesto sauce and corkscrew macaroni with marinara and mozzarella.  SLH brought some dessert, we also had a few things I bought at the bakery.  I picked up two growlers from the very awesome Mac and Jack’s Brewery in Redmond, WA.  We had a 1/2 gallon of both Black Cat Porter and African Amber.


What? I didn't drink all the eggnog.I got to see the lovely Miss Sylvia again yesterday.  She is such a doll.  She was busy wandering around the house with a chaperone in tow (my house isn’t exactly child-proofed by any stretch of the imagination).  She is vocalizing a lot and when appropriate, looks at you and speaks a nonstop singsong of babyspeak that is so danged cute you could just pop her in your mouth and swallow her whole.  <sigh>  It makes me want to scream, “WHERE’S MY TOTALLY CUTE BABY ALREADY?!?!”  Oh well, patience is a virtue, right?  You can see all the photos I took here.


When it was coming upon the midnight hour, we broke out a couple bottles of bubbly and another of sparkling apple/grape juice, filled up our glasses and waited for the countdown.  Since we had extra time, a “leap second” this year, I made sure that everyone counted down like this 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…1 – Happy New Year!  We watched the fireworks at the Space Needle on TV.  It was a great show with no delays (last year they had a computer crash that delayed the show).  This year it all went off smoothly and the fireworks and music were both really great.

My favorite part of starting a new year.  Best wishes and good fortune for 2009!

After wishing everyone a happy new year and enjoying a toast, I got my first smooch of 2009.  Yay!  I am always so happy bringing in the New Year with my sweetie and a small group of friends.  The games were super fun and everyone seemed to have a good time. I enjoyed 2008 and I look forward to what’s to come in 2009.  I wish you all much happiness, tons of love, and good fortune the New Year.