Thursday 15 January 2009

Lunch Adventure A Go-Go…Interrupted

So a few weeks back I was chatting with the wonderful and witty Nathan about my trip to London, the museums, photography, etc.  After a short while of feverish typing that was getting no where fast, we decided it would most assuredly be to our advantage to enjoy some lunch, coffee and (as always) excellent conversation.  Thursday we decided would be The Day. I mentioned that I was very interested to go to a Cuban restaurant in Seattle that was highly rated on Yelp and supposedly had an excellent pork sandwich.  We were both excited and looking forward to a food adventure.  Interest was piqued, expectations high.

I picked Nathan up at his house and we drove through Phinney Ridge neighborhood (near the Seattle Zoo).  After a few blocks I started to get my bearings “Hey!” I said while driving up a winding street, “isn’t the Red Mill Burgers around here?”  “Yeah, it’s just around the corner” and as we passed it he said, “You know I’ve never eaten there, but I hear that it’s really good.”  “They have the best onion rings I’ve ever had,” I said “we’ll have lunch again in a couple of weeks and get a burger.  They have a green chile burger that is awesome.”  And with that we drove another 5 minutes, parked and marched happily ‘round the corner to the hole-in-the-wall restaurant, Paseo.

which was closed. <it’s empty>
for a holiday <what the?!?!>
won’t be back in business until February <WHAT ABOUT MY SAMMMICCHHHH?>

Ooooohhhhhh kkkkkaaaayyyyyyyy.  We looked at each other.  “Well, how about we go to Red Mill Burgers then?” I said.  “Sounds good” replied Nathan.  And off on a new improved different lunch adventure we went.  So my review of Paseo will happen in February-ish.  Catch the next episode in a month or so, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.

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